Hand-Signed Thomas S. Monson Print

*Now selling at Beehive Books & More, and soon http://www.quiltedbear.com/ *
I chose to draw this picture of our Prophet because I felt it showed his love for each of us, his wonderful personality, and something that I would like each member of my family to see daily. I have enjoyed having it in our home, and below are a few comments people have said since they have received theirs, (thank you to all of you that have shared these with me):
  • "Thank you so much for the beautiful drawing. I love it. You have a wonderful gift! I will treasure this." B.T. Burley, ID
  • "I got the prints and they are soooo good!" D.H. Lehi, UT
  • "It is beautiful and very frameable. We'll hang it in our home. I think you captured him very well." M.A. Sandy, UT
  • "The framed picture looks even better than on your website. Thank you so much." L.W. Santa Barbara, CA

Only $25 with Quote (as shown) or $20 without! Makes a great gift!

Print Details

  • Each is individually hand-signed by me.
  • 8"x10" graphite pencil drawing with acid free double matting (11"x14" White and black mat)
  • The frame is not included in the price, but can be purchased with the print & matting for $50 (local pick-up) or $65 (includes s&h). If interested please email me your order.
  • You will be able to showcase the same drawing that our Prophet has been given to have in his own home. (President Monson is so thoughtful that he even sent a personal thank you in return).
  • You can also customize your art with an inspirational quote from President Monson. The quote is applied directly to the top (quote line 1) and bottom (line 2) borders of the matting via black vinyl lettering (see picture above). Current quote options are the following:
Quote Option 1:

Learn from the Past. Prepare for the Future
Live in the Present

~Perfect quote for any room, and for anyone!~

Option 2:

Whatever our calling, regardless of our fears or anxieties
Let us Pray and then Go and Do

~A great quote for missionaries, bishops, business owners, etc.~

Option 3:

Remember who you are
And what God expects you to become
~The perfect reminder for our youth to see daily, as well as each of us!~
Option 4:
Be of good cheer
The future is as bright as your faith
~One of Monson's most recent quotes--from April '09 General Conference. A positive & uplifting quote that we need to see often!~

I have priced this large matted print, along with the custom quote, very affordably to allow anyone who would like it in their home or office to be able to have it. Thank you for your interest and support!

Monson Print with Quote Options


  1. so awesome that you are doing this! can't wait to get one done of my boys!

  2. Mimi, I can't believe you have so much talent. This is so great that you are sharing it with all of us. We love the drawing of the prophet and just ordered one. I will cherish the drawing that you did of my girls forever. Thanks for that gift and thanks for showing them on your site. Your are incredible. Thanks for sharing your talent! Hope you go really far with this.
    ~ Denise

  3. WOW! I didnt know you were such a wonderful artist! Thats amazing!--Debbie

  4. I had no idea you were such an amazing artist!!! I'm so impressed and would love to order something. Keep up the great work. Thank you for sharing.

  5. These are amazing. Can't wait to see the one of the Savior that you want to do!
